Recite Me Accessibility Checker


Learning and implementing accessibility across a large website can be difficult, especially if your company has a large presence online. This is where the Recite Me Checker becomes useful, simply add your company's URL and receive an in depth report on the accessibility needs across your domain.


When starting off this project we looked into creating a competitor analysis of different companies which did similar work to our product.

We also conducted a number of user interviews to help us understand out audience better. This allowed us to pain points and how they could use this type of product within their work.

From these user interviews we created a series of 'user personas'. These allowed us to keep the user in mind when designing the product.

Recite Me Accessibility Checker


Learning and implementing accessibility across a large website can be difficult, especially if your company has a large presence online. This is where the Recite Me Checker becomes useful, simply add your company's URL and receive an in depth report on the accessibility needs across your domain.


When starting off this project we looked into creating a competitor analysis of different companies which did similar work to our product.

We also conducted a number of user interviews to help us understand out audience better. This allowed us to pain points and how they could use this type of product within their work.

From these user interviews we created a series of 'user personas'. These allowed us to keep the user in mind when designing the product.

Recite Me Accessibility Checker


Learning and implementing accessibility across a large website can be difficult, especially if your company has a large presence online. This is where the Recite Me Checker becomes useful, simply add your company's URL and receive an in depth report on the accessibility needs across your domain.


When starting off this project we looked into creating a competitor analysis of different companies which did similar work to our product.

We also conducted a number of user interviews to help us understand out audience better. This allowed us to pain points and how they could use this type of product within their work.

From these user interviews we created a series of 'user personas'. These allowed us to keep the user in mind when designing the product.

Typography System
Typography System
Typography System

Information Architecture

To help make sure that content was placed in the most logical place within the checker we carried out a series of 'Card Sorting' exercises with members of the company, as well as external developers.

From the information we gathered from the card sorting we where able to gather the topics into groups. The resulting IA can been seen below.

Information Architecture
Information Architecture

Final Results

Final Results

Final Results

The following selection of images are the final designs which where used to develop the Recite Me Accessibility Checker.